This extraordinary event will provide state of the art educational lectures in the field of clinical lipidiology, focusing on practical lipid management including difficult to treat hyperlipidemias, genetic dyslipidemias, screening, dietary and nutraceutical approaches and case studies. Major emphasis will be given to new therapeutics, diagnosis and management of high risk patients.

Place: Vienna, Austria
Date: 5-7 December, 2014.
We cordially invite you to participate in this ground-breaking congress.
Furthermore, I would be pleased and honored if you would consider endorsing this congress, as follows:a) Send a newsletter on our behalf to your members, informing them about our congress. We will do the same on your behalf to our database.
b) Publicize our congress on your website and, in return, we would be happy to announce your Society and its upcoming events on the congress website.
c) We will provide you with the opportunity to distribute your organization's marketing materials in either the delegate bags or at the congress tables.
We are also pleased to be able to offer group discounts for your society. Please advise us if this type of collaboration would be suitable for you.
Should you not be able to endorse this congress, we would appreciate your assistance by adding the congress banner/link: to your website, as well as informing your society members and colleagues, in order to make sure that as many specialists as possible are aware of this important opportunity.
For further information about the congress, we invite you to visit our website:
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Karam KostnerCongress Chair