The purpose of the conference is to discuss in depth new mechanisms of cardiovascular damage development, novel methods of diagnosis and new therapeutic approaches.
◾Approach to the Elderly with Borderline Metabolic Conditions
◾Arterial Properties, Central Blood Pressure and Augmentation Index in the Continuum of Prehypertension and Hypertension
◾Arterial Properties, Evaluation and Treatment in Borderline Conditions
◾Assessment of Global Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Borderline Conditions
◾Benefits of Achieving Optimal Risk Factors Level – When, How and with What?
◾Biomarkers of Borderline Conditions and Preclinical Disease
◾Borderline Cardiovascular Risk Factors - Morbidity and Mortality
◾Children and Adolescents and Cardiovascular Risk Factors- Diagnosis, Estimation of Risk and Treatment
◾Complications of Prehypertension, Hypertension and Cardiometabolic Syndrome: the Heart, the Brain, the Kidney and the Extremities
◾Cumulative Effects of Multiple Borderline Cardiometabolic Risk Factors
◾Diabetes, Prevention, Mechanisms and Treatment of end Organ Damage
◾Humoral Factors in Prehypertension and Cardiometabolic Syndrome
◾Hypertension, Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approach
◾Management of Dyslipidemia, Mechanisms and Novel Therapeutic Regimens
◾Metabolic Syndrome and Borderline Metabolic Conditions
◾Natural History of Prehypertension, Hypertension and End Organ Damage
◾Obesity, Mechanisms and Therapy
◾Prediabetes – Mechanism, Diagnosis, and Management
◾Prehypertension and Metabolic Syndrome in Different Populations – Epidemiology
◾Prehypertension, Cause and Results
◾Prehypertension, Prediabetes and Dyslipidemia – Estimation of Risk and Therapeutic Approach
◾Prehypertension – Progression of Risk and Diagnosis of Disease
◾Prehypertension- Mechanism, Diagnosis and Management
◾Prevention and Regression of End Organ Damage in Prehypertension
◾The Heart, the Brain and the Kidney in Prehypertension and Cardiometabolic Syndrome
◾Total Cardiovascular Risk Evaluation and Management
Visit the website of the conference: https://www.prehypertension.org/